sabato 5 gennaio 2013

Buffalo WBMR - OpenWrt trunk build R35015 - Annex B - To be fixed

I don't usually compile Annex B builds, but if you need one I'll do it :)  

What's inside:
IPv4 support only
OpenVPN 2.2.2
USB mounts support (USB 2.0 with EXT2/3/4 support only)

This is an Annex B build


SHA1: DC9E294282B8430E327D9E8EC80AC3EEE4C44DBD

19 commenti:

  1. Risposte
    1. Let me know if you have any problems :) Can't test an Annex B here :D

  2. Can't add NTFS support due to NTFS-3G package out of date (is still 2011.04, 2012-01 is available).

    I tried build one with NTFS but I couldn't mount my usb drive.

    I'll try to fix this issue in the next days.

  3. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

    1. Yes, that is for annex A. Something went wrong when I loaded my config Annex A and then I changed the profile to Annex B.

      Sorry for the trouble. Tomorrow morning I'll compile again an annex B and this time I'll check the profile file properly.

  4. Oh sorry i delete my Post.
    I am so lucky that this is an annex a release.
    I´m testetd so many but nothing works.

    Many thanks that you build a outher release for annex b

    Sorry for my bad Englisch


    1. You didn't have to delete your comment :D
      It was a good feedback ;)

      Right now I'm compiling an annex A build because I'm trying to update ntfs-3g package :)

      See ya tomorrow

  5. Risposte
    1. Luci svn repository seems down. can't compile for now, I have to wait :) maybe in a few hours.

  6. is the High cpu load normaly? The most Time i have between 0.30-0.50 but somtimes it goes too 1.20

    1. It depends on what are you doing.
      When I download at max of my speed (10mbit) the cpu usually is 0.20 (which is not so high).
      Generally after you flash the firmware and reboot for the first 2-3 minutes the cpu usage is pretty high (2.xx too).

      Do you have always 0.30-0.50 even if the router is idle? (no download, no upload LAN/WAN)

      When you use the webgui, 0.30-0.50 is normal (especially if you see the net graphs where the cpu goes up to 3.90 sometimes)

  7. Aha i use the Webgui. What for a comand can i use for telnet?

    1. You can use Putty for SSH (telnet is deprecated).
      Once logged you can use the "top" command (ctrl+c to exit).
      Don't worry, if you are using your DSL 0.30-0.50 is fine.
      Do you get 1.20 cpu in idle?
      If you don't use openvpn, samba e and other services you can disable them.

    2. I use putty with ssh. The comand to show the CPU load i don't now it.

      Only if i Show more than 5 min with the Webgui the CPU load goes up to 1.2 in idle

    3. The command is "top".

      However, it is strange. I tried waiting in the webugui(overview page) but it's normal.
      What is your browser? Which page gives you high cpu?
      Try the latest build for annex B (you said tomorrow) and let me know.

    4. Browser ist Chrom and i look for the load at the overview.
      I Flash the last build tomorrow and let you know the result.

  8. Mem: 31576K used, 29920K free, 0K shrd, 3172K buff, 12024K cached
    CPU: 0% usr 1% sys 0% nic 97% idle 0% io 0% irq 0% sirq
    Load average: 0.17 0.34 0.40 2/59 29319
    1610 2 root SW 0 0% 1% [autbtex]
    29295 29290 root R 1520 2% 0% top
    1613 2 root SW 0 0% 0% [pmex_fe]
    29289 1505 root S 1236 2% 0% /usr/sbin/dropbear -F -P /var/run/dro
    1612 2 root SW 0 0% 0% [pmex_ne]
    1604 1 root S 7416 12% 0% /sbin/dsl_cpe_control -i -n /sbin/dsl
    1588 1 root S 3232 5% 0% /usr/sbin/nmbd -D
    1586 1 root S 3152 5% 0% /usr/sbin/smbd -D
    1721 686 root S 1632 3% 0% /usr/sbin/pppd nodetach ipparam wan i
    1784 1 root S 1608 3% 0% {dynamic_dns_upd} /bin/sh /usr/lib/dd
    686 1 root S 1552 3% 0% /sbin/netifd
    657 1 root S 1528 2% 0% /sbin/syslogd -l 8 -C16
    1 0 root S 1524 2% 0% init
    29290 29289 root S 1524 2% 0% -ash
    536 1 root S 1524 2% 0% init
    1600 1 root S 1520 2% 0% /usr/sbin/ntpd -n -p 0.openwrt.pool.n
    816 1 root S 1520 2% 0% /sbin/watchdog -t 5 /dev/watchdog
    659 1 root S 1512 2% 0% /sbin/klogd
    29315 1784 root S 1508 2% 0% sleep 600
    8705 1 root S 1424 2% 0% hostapd -P /var/run/ -B

    I Think it is ok or what you think?

    1. Load average: 0.17 0.34 0.40 2/59 29319

      Yes, I think is perfect.

      Don't worry if your cpu goes to 0.30~0.50 while browsing with webgui.

      It's normal :)
