Create a new script in /sbin/ and name it whatver you want and insert the following code:
echo "$@" > /tmp/pipe/dsl_cpe0_cmd && cat /tmp/pipe/dsl_cpe0_ack
Save it and make executable (chmod +x /sbin/filename)
Now you can execute it and see a lot of options:
acog, AutobootConfigOptionGet
acos, AutobootConfigOptionSet
acs, AutobootControlSet
alf, AutobootLoadFirmware
asecg, AutobootScriptExecuteConfigGet
asecs, AutobootScriptExecuteConfigSet
asg, AutobootStatusGet
ccadbgmlg, CCA_DBG_ModuleLevelGet
ccadbgmls, CCA_DBG_ModuleLevelSet
cr, CmvRead
cw, CmvWrite
dbgmlg, DBG_ModuleLevelGet
dbgmls, DBG_ModuleLevelSet
dajes, DebugArcJtagEnableSet
dfcg, DebugFeatureConfigGet
dfcs, DebugFeatureConfigSet
dms, DeviceMessageSend
esmcg, EventStatusMaskConfigGet
esmcs, EventStatusMaskConfigSet
fpsg, FramingParameterStatusGet
g997amdpfcg, G997_AlarmMaskDataPathFailuresConfigGet
For exemple if you want to see the SNR and attenuation, you can use the option "g997lsg 0 1"
It would be great if someone could comment this post and explain us a bit the other option ;)
New build is in work in progress.. ;)
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