domenica 30 dicembre 2012

Buffalo WBMR - OpenWrt trunk build R34927

Yes! It works now! :)

Download: r34927

SHA1:  C046F98F9B7370D2E6B0609403127E9B8841E2E9

Switch bug fixed!! Tested ;) PLUS! It is now possible to configure VLAN from LUCI too!
There is no bug in dsl_control file! No need to edit it anymore!! ADSL works fine on boot!
The LEDs are already configured!*
Kernel 3.7.1 (I don't know why but it boots faster!)
Some minor bugfix and updates.

*power, wifi and internet led are preconfigured by default! The power led might blink(no reason?or it means there router is loading? ;) ) for the first 2 or 3 minutes.

Known issues:
Check your Movie Engine switch is OFF. There is a bug when it is ON causing a reboot loop of the device!

A big thanks goes to Sebastian Mayr

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